3 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Oysters

Some lesser known facts about oysters... like they're a health food. Who knew?

Obviously, we think oysters are super interesting, but here are a few reasons you should as well. Pop out one of these fun trivia factoids at one your next oyster roast to be the coolest guy at the party!

New York Was First

When the Dutch first arrived in Manhattan in the 17th century, oyster beds were everywhere. People could find raw oysters in saloons, at street vendors and in every restaurant. For many, they were a daily protein. As demand increased however, most of the oyster beds in the area were destroyed. Today, there’s a growing movement to help restore oysters to the ecosystem.

Oysters Are Health Food

Oysters are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. They’re full of zinc, which boosts your immune system, can help treat acne, increase bone strength, and boost your sex drive.

There Are 5 Species

There are hundreds of varieties of oysters, but they all come from the same five specifics. They are Pacific Oysters, Kumamoto Oysters, European Flat Oysters, Atlantic Oysters and Olympia Oysters. The main difference between specifics is the shell, which varies in size, shape, and coloration.

Hungry for more? Check out our blog. Or shop White Stone Oysters now.

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