A creative spin on the classic clams casino dish, this flavorful take uses oysters and jalapenos to create a bright and flavorful appetizer. Clams casino was originally enjoyed in Rhode Island, created in 1917 at the Little Casino. It was developed by maître d'hôtel Mrs. Paran Stevens as a special treat for honored guests, today variations are enjoyed all over.
What You Need:
- 24 White Stone Oysters
- 8-12 slices of bacon
- ⅓ cup chopped jalapeno
- ½ cup butter, divided
- 4 tbsp. Chopped parsley
- 2 tbsp. Chopped chives
- Rock salt
- Fresh lemon juice
What to Do:
- Cook bacon over low heat until fat is clear
- Cut bacon into 1” diamonds.
- Add 2tbsp. Butter to skillet and heat over medium.
- Add the jalapeno and cook until barely soft.
- Transfer jalapeno to a bowl and add chives and parsley, then blend with remaining butter.
- Heat over to 450 degrees.
- Arrange oysters on rock salt and moisten the salt slightly.
- Top each oyster with butter mixture, a bacon diamond, and a couple of drops of lemon juice.
- Cook until the bacon is crisp, 5-10 minutes.
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